Thursday, December 27, 2007
Santa Came to Our House!
This was Christmas morning and oh was Tanner surprised. He was so excited to check out what Santa had left him. His favorite thing was his Daddy Pillow that Santa left him. It has a picture of his daddy on it. He said " Santa knew that I loved my Daddy". He takes it everywhere with him and snuggles in the bed with it. He liked everything else too. Muffin was excited about her new toys too. We had a nice Christmas a little sad that Steve could not be here with us, but we will make up for that. Santa left him some gifts under the tree that will be there when he returns home hopefully very soon!!! I hope everyone had a nice Christmas and have a Happy New Year!!!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Tanner's Gingerbread House
This is the first time that we have done a gingerbread house. We did this with DeAnna, Andyn and Zander. They had fun making them. Zander wanted to eat the icing and candy instead of decorating but still had fun with it. I enjoyed doing this with Tanner. We always have fun doing little projects together. I hope everyone has a Merry Chistmas and I will have Christmas pictures soon.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Hello From Kuwait
Here are some pics that Steve sent home. I thought that I would share them with you so that you could see him. He is doing good, ready to come home. As you can tell he is in nothing but sand, he probably will not want to see anymore for awhile when he returns home. Please keep him in your prayers. Tanner and I will be so glad when he comes home. I hope you enjoy the pictures.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
I elfed our family
Hey I elfed myself. My cousin did this and it was so cute so I had to do it. click on the site below and check it out.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Tanner at School
These are a few things that Tanner has been doing at school. He had to wear a hat that was weird and crazy on hat day at school. Then he had a Truck Parade for Veteran's Day and the parents decorated the trucks for them to ride in the kids really enjoy doing this. Then he had his Thanksgiving Program at school where they sing songs and dress like little indians. This is a really cute program. Tanner enjoys school but as you can tell is very shy so he was not really singing very much he did do a little. It was still very cute.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Halloween Festivel
This is our halloween festivel at church. Our little man was a football player from Daddy's favorite team Kansas City Chiefs. He was a very cute football player. Some of his friends are in these pictures and they are Andyn as a princess, Zander as a pirate, Kennen as Dumbo, Kamden as Darth Vadar and Kaden as a monster with a fro. They had lots of fun playing games and Trunk a Treating.
Tanner's New Favorite Shoes
Monday, October 22, 2007
Happy Halloween
This is our trip to the pumpkin patch. We went with Sissy, Uncle Todd, Andyn, Zander, Aunt Daleen, Uncle Nat, Kaden, Kamden and Kennen. This was a lot of fun. The kids enjoyed seeing the animals and going on the hayride to pick out their pumpkins that we later carved. Well the little ones just watched and played. Our kids were so cute. Watch for Halloween pictures to be added.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Beach Trip
We just returned from going on vacation with some friends of ours (Kim, Jeff & Gabrielle). We went to Mrytle Beach, SC. We had lots of fun. We played Putt Putt, we took them to Build a Bear and Tanner made an alligator and his name is Dino and he is dressed like a Pirate. We went to the Nascar Speedtrack and Tanner rode go carts with me and Jeff he loved it. Swimming was limited due to the rain that we had, but we did swim some in the pool and then we went to the beach before we left. Tanner and Gabrielle liked the pool and running into the ocean splashing with their little feet. Tanner really enjoyed the beach and he wanted to stay for ten days. I enjoyed watching him have a fun time he is the highlight of my life. He is just growing up way to fast, but I treasure every moment we have together. I can't wait for Steve to come home to see how much of a big boy he is.
Festival for God's Pit Crew
This was a fall festival to raise money for God's Pit Crew. Tanner enjoyed the Hay Ride, Blow up Slide and playing games. We took a picture with Spongebob and Scooby Doo (scooby was for Daddy his favorite cartoon).
Tanner's First Day of Preschool
Monday, October 1, 2007
Steve going to Duty
As everyone knows Steve is away serving our country Tanner and I are so proud of him and pray everyday for his safety so he will be home with us soon.
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